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Wishfie - Video Reactions

4.6 ( 5856 ratings )
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Most downloaded Q&A video app to discuss and debate on trending topics & latest news, to ask questions & to get video answers.

Unlike other text-first social media apps that are limited to questions & answers only, Wishfie allows you to discuss or debate on any topic using video clips. Discuss, Q&A & debate with people around the world on latest news & trending topics.

Live video chat on any topic, watch funny reaction videos & public opinion videos. Post your video answers or video reactions in the form of short video clips on any topic, question, latest news or event using your selfie camera. Use free video editing tool to create short video clips with popular stickers & filters. Get video testimonials for your profile, get followers & make new friends. Improve your public speaking, debating & group discussion skills. Create viral video clips on latest news & topics. Get famous for your opinions, attract followers, impress girls & guys with your wittiness. Wishfie is not a dating apps, but who knows it might land you a hot date? You can add video testimonials to your video resume.

Wishfie is the best Q&A video app to discuss or debate on any trending topic, hashtag, latest news, hypothetical scenarios & to ask questions, Get funny reactions, opinions & video answers by asking questions. Choose a topic & invite your friends to record video clips with their selfie camera. You can download video answers & post as WhatsApp status or Instagram stories. You dont need vivavideo to merge. It could be your best New Year status. Find girls & guys to group video chat on any topic.

Its like answers for videos. Its the best Q&A video messenger for Youtubers to conduct public interviews or polls on any question. Its not a dating app, but you can attract girls & guys with your intelligence. Wishfie helps you develop your personality & improve English communication skills. Get a hike in your follower count. If you blog on medium, youll love Wishfie.

How to use Wishfie video app?:

1. Download the free Video App. Login with Facebook.
2. Ask a question on any topic or latest news you wish to discuss or debate on (example - Do you find Donald Trump funny? Whats your review of all spice girls videos? Is watching sexy videos infidelity?). It works the same way as Reddit topics, Quora questions & answers.
3. Record your opinion with a selfie video clip.
4. Ask people to add their video answers.
5. Download the mp4 videos clips & share with friends

*Fill your profile Slambook with friends video testimonials, its the best video alternative to the Sarahah app!*


Its the best group video chat app for influencers & experts to share their knowledge on any topic or latest news. Wishfie is video for Reddit, video for Quora & video for latest news, all combined into a single, free video app. Or you can simply browse through to just do a news hunt. Dont upload sexy videos or youll be banned.

Public reaction videos are popular on Quora & Youtube, created by youtubers & vloggers. Also, various TV News Channels conduct live panel debates to hear experts opinions. Wishfie is a self-serve way to create similar video clips, leveraging the selfie camera adoption. The comments on FB status or youtube videos limit your emotions to text & emojis. Wishfie is the future of comments, the way video is the future of all content.

Wishfie lets you invite friends & start group video chat on any topic, helping you create a personalized video mashup that you can share as Whatsapp status videos. Wishfie is a top free video app, a simpler alternative to Quora video app.

Download the free video app now. Discuss, debate, ask questions, conduct opinion polls & watch video answers.